Coaching the Essence.
A powerful, personal journey of Resilience, through and beyond suffering to authentic Self-Leadership.
Dorothy Firman, Ed.D., LMHC, PLC, BCC, Internationally recognized Author, PLC Trainer, and Founder of The Synthesis Center (Amherst, MA) writes…
…The weaving of the two worlds- Cristina’s life long personal journey, and the elaboration of being a PLC works magically. Cristina is an amazing teacher and coach and she has taken Psychosynthesis Life Coaching into new and deepened territory. This is a book that will most assuredly strengthen any coach’s work, and it is an essential book for all Psychosynthesis coaches. Thank you Cris!”
“…It is a rare gift to be invited into the inner world of this author, while also being guided through the deep, complex, and powerful work of being a Psychosynthesis Life Coach…
“Doc Coach” Pat Williams- Coaching Pioneer, Adventurer, Life & Leadership Coach, Founder of the Institute for Life Coach Training (ILCT), Inaugral Member of the International Coaching Federation’s Circle of Distinction, and internationally known prolific presenter and coaching advocate writes…
“Cristina Pelizzatti has written an opus in COACHING THE ESSENCE, in my opinion…
…In this very comprehensive book, she shares her personal journey, and the profound and deep understanding when Psychosynthesis came into her life. She shares those stories and her way of synthesizing the knowledge, theories and personal yearnings into a practical method and course of learning for those in the profession of coaching, counseling, or personal transformation. Read it slowly, digesting the content a few bites at a time…then come back and read it again. It will resonate to your body, brain and being, applied to your personal journey…which is the essence of Psychosynthesis.”